Written By :Gigde

Wed Nov 15 2023

5 min read

Latest SEO Changes for Improved Visibility and Ranking

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Digital marketing or online content creation is the modern method of advertising and connecting with the audience. As a digital marketer or content creator, you must know the importance of search engine optimization. It is the most crucial element of your content, websites, and more. SEO matters a lot to your business. It provides exposure to your brand, increases traffic on your website, and enhances your online visibility. It improves your position on search engine results pages.

Understanding the functionality of SEO is very important for you. When you know this, you can easily improve your website’s value by implementing effective strategies. SEO has the power to take your website from zero to the top. With the arrival of a global pandemic, the digital world saw immense growth. People started considering digital platforms to start a new venture, grow their businesses, display their content, and more. This huge shift from conventional to digitalization increases the importance of SEO more than ever.

SEO changes are entirely dependent on changes associated with search engines like Google. Any changes made to Google’s algorithms directly impact SEO. This modification in search challenges search engine, optimization professionals. With the rapid change in SEO, its tools are also changing. You should know which SEO tools are best suited to your business. Therefore, choose SEO tools that support the changing SEO and your business as well. While these changes bring the possibility of higher success, they can also turn into the reason for downfalls, if you are unaware of them. From this blog, you will precisely get information about the changing SEO trends.

Top Trending SEO Changes

With the rapid change in technology, global situations, and users’ interest, Google also introduces certain changes in its algorithm or ranking factors. Google has now introduced certain SEO changes that have some great impacts on your ranking in SERPs which also increase site ranking as well as impact negatively. This frequent change in search challenges search engine, optimization professionals.

1. Page experience

Google is undergoing a big change. It introduces page experience as one of the search engine ranking factors. Page experience is the way the visitors of your page feel when they interact with your web pages.

Google page experience ranking signals include Google Core Web Vitals. The page experience signals determine the ranks based on other components as well, for instance, HTTPS, mobile-friendliness, safe browsing, and others. The Core Web Vitals are the user-centric metrics that examine the quality of the user experience. The metrics measures –

  • Loading speed
  • Interactivity
  • Visual stability

Better page experience signals mean higher SERP ranking. Page experience as a ranking factor is also important for allowing non-AMP content to appear in the Top Stories feature for mobile phones. You should also check whether your current SEO tool is compatible with the changes or not.

2. Mobile-first indexing

Mobile-first indexing is the process of indexing the mobile version of your website. So, in mobile-first indexing, search engines will first organize the mobile version of your website in Google’s database, and then only it will go on the desktop indexing. Earlier, search engines used to index the desktop version first used to create deviation or mismatch in rankings. Since there is an entire shift from desktop to mobile indexing, there are chances of instability. However, you can make this transition smooth by

  • Making your content visible to Google bots and crawlers
  • Filling all the relevant meta tags on both desktop and mobile
  • Make sure your mobile website loads fastly and quickly
  • Make sure to not block any relevant mobile-specific URLs in your robots.txt.in
  • Make sure you have identical primary content on both mobile and desktop version

3. Voice searches

Voice search technology is extremely popular and useful. It is important to optimize website for voice search. It is widely used by almost everyone. Google Assistant, Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and more are some of the most popular voice search technologies. Seeing its growing popularity even with SEO changes, now you should also focus on optimizing voice searches. This new digital era or SEO era requires you to maintain your pace with the emerging changes. Now, you have to make sure that your content comes on top of voice searches. For this, you have to analyze your keywords.

Research what people search for, see how they search. In the case of normal Google searches, people type shorter phrases which is not the case with voice searches. In voice searchers, people generally prefer longer phrases and even voice searches are more compatible with longer and natural-sounding sentences.

4. Content compatible with the EAT principle will rank higher

Quality content is the most important thing for driving traffic to your website. Quality is an essential ranking factor. For generating ‘quality’ content for Google, you must take a look at the EAT principle. EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. The EAT principle has a lot to do with your website’s SEO strategy. It decides whether the content on your website is qualitative or not. It examines the strength of your business. To make your content compatible with the EAT principle, you should focus on identifying and understanding your audience. You should make contents that are relevant to your audience’s needs.

You must identify which SEO tools are best suited to your business and then implement it to enhance its strength. To provide quality work, research the topics relevant to your audience’s interest, conduct keyword research, and then create quality content. Keep the EAT principle in mind while crafting your content.

SEO Tools Best Suited for SEO Changes

  1. You must use Google Search Console, one of the best Google SEO tools. It analyses your website’s ranking keywords, sees backlinks, and submits sitemaps directly to Google.
  2. Moz Pro is another such SEO tool that can help you find new keywords, and find SEO and page errors. It provides you with the search visibility score, customizes the reports, and helps you find new opportunities for link building.
  3. SEMrush is one of the best SEO tools. It provides a content audit tool and helps you conduct keyword and topic research.
  4. Ahrefs is one of the most popular search engine tools. It is the best SEO analysis tool that offers amazing website audit features. It examines your competitor’s backlinks and helps you fix broken links. It gives you an overview of your best-performing web pages.
  5. Google Analytics is another such tool that you must use. It provides amazing insights that can help you build an effective SEO strategy.

Concluding note

Now that SEO changes, you must start reviewing your SEO strategy. Rapidly changing search challenges search engine optimization professionals, so you must also see which SEO tools are best suited to your business. You must get familiar with the changes, it will help you bring more traffic to your website. Through this blog, you will get familiar with changes in SEO and the best tools that are compatible with the changes.

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